//your code for to create your sql statement, we'll call it $query...
$query="SELECT `candidate_id`, `fullname`,`email`,`alternate_email`, `location`, `mobile`, `landline`, `expyear`, `expmonth`, `keyskill`, `headlineprofile`, `currcmp`, `fuctionalarea`, `basicedu`, `masteredu`, `docedu`, `create_date`, `current_salary`, `current_industry`, `date_of_birth`, `gender`, `marital_status`, `address`, `city`, `country`, `pincode`,`specialization`, `university`, `edu_year`, `role` FROM `candidate_reg`";
//get the data that we need...
//fetching each row as an array and placing it into a holder array ($aData)
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($Result)){
$aData[] = $row;
//feed the final array to our formatting function...
$contents = getExcelData($aData);
$filename = "myExcelFile.xls";
//code for Save/Open dialog box...
header ("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$filename);
//setting the cache expiration to 30 seconds ahead of current time. an IE 8 issue when opening the data directly in the browser without first saving it to a file
$expiredate = time() + 30;
$expireheader = "Expires: ".gmdate("D, d M Y G:i:s",$expiredate)." GMT";
header ($expireheader);
//final output in contents
echo $contents;
function getExcelData($data){
$retval = "";
if (is_array($data) && !empty($data))
$row = 0;
foreach(array_values($data) as $_data){
if (is_array($_data) && !empty($_data))
if ($row == 0)
// write the column headers
$retval = implode("\t",array_keys($_data));
$retval .= "\n";
//create a line of values for this row...
$retval .= implode("\t",array_values($_data));
$retval .= "\n";
//increment the row so we don't create headers all over again
return $retval;
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